Important News

Parent/Teacher Conferences

The Homewood Center will be holding parent/teacher conferences on Monday, November 25th and Tuesday November 26th. Details and times to follow.

October 16th Back To School Night 6-8 p.m.

Join the Homewood family on October 16th for our Back To School Night Celebration. Meet your students teachers and see the work that your students are doing from 6-8 pm.

2019 FIT Picnic

Come join the Homewood Family for our Next Level FIT picnic on June 5th from 6:00 to 8:00. Games, food and festivities galore!

Support Homewood's Strutters!

Support Homewood's dance team on March 27th @the Jim Rouse Theater 7:00pm. Donate online at

Follow Homewood on Twitter

Homewood Center (@hcpss_hc) | Twitter The latest Tweets from Homewood Center (@hcpss_hc): "Lots of connections @RitasItalianIce #HomewoodInTheCommunity #LoveAndMissYou #SeeYouTuesday"

Homewood FIT Night March 6, 6-8 pm

You are invited to share a meal with classmates, teachers and other families on Wednesday, March 6, 2019. The dinner is free and runs from 6-8 PM in the school cafeteria. We will have games, community resources and a Watershed Project presentation. Please plan on attending!

Homewood's Recycled Treasure Sale December 20th 2018

Mark your calendar! Homewood's Recycled Treasure Sale is fast approaching. Students can purchase presents for loved ones and have them gift-wrapped. Shoppers are organized based on attendance and will be given shopping passes with their spending total. If you have any recycled treasure to donate for our upcoming sale you can deliver it to Homewood's front office.

2019-20 Homewood's Pantry is Now Open!!!

We are always accepting donations of Noodle Cups, Fruit Cups, Breakfast and Snack Bars, Snacks, Treats, Paper Products, Deodorant, and Lip Balm. Feel free to use the Homewood pantry if you are in need. Please call or email Suzanne McMurtray at 410-313-7081 or or stop by her office to see her. You may also see Front Office or School Counseling Office Staff. We respect your privacy and will not share your information with others.