ASVAB at Homewood Center

Our goal at Homewood Center is to provide quality career exploration and planning resources to all our students.  When students are able to learn more about their strengths, interests and abilities, they are able to make relevant connections to their education and career exploration opportunities to their future goals.  

One career planning resource, the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Career Exploration Program (CEP), will be offered to any interested 11th and 12th grade student on Wednesday, March 5th @ 8:00am

STUDENTS:  If you are interested in taking the ASVAB on March 5th, please sign-up in the Front Office by March 4th!

What is ASVAB CEP?

The ASVAB CEP is a comprehensive career exploration and planning program that includes an aptitude test, an interest inventory, and various career planning tools designed to help students explore post-secondary options and the world of work at no cost to students or schools. 


The world’s most widely used aptitude battery, ASVAB consists of eight subtests that yield three Career Exploration Scores (Verbal Skills, Math Skills, and Science and Technical Skills). These three scores, combined with results of an interest inventory, allows students to:

-Learn more about their interests and skills

-Explore occupations in line with their unique profiles

-Take concrete steps to prepare for their career(s) of choice

Participation in the ASVAB CEP is voluntary. Students who participate are not obligated to the military in any way - the purpose is to help young people explore their options to help them make a plan.  

Once scores are available, a comprehensive score interpretation session will be held for students who participated.  The Post-Test Interpretation is a 45-minute session where a qualified professional provides a guided workshop to complete many of these activities with students.

For more information about ASVAB CEP, please see resources below:

Understand the ASVAB/Practice Tests (Student)

Three Common Misconceptions About The ASVAB

How to Prepare for the ASVAB

Get Your Kid Ready for Life After High School (Parents)

NOTE: Students who participate in the ASVAB CEP have no obligation to talk with military recruiters or consider a military career. Students interested in joining the Military should discuss this score with a recruiter directly.